Enrol Now for Rare Disease 101 (Australia)
Rare Disease 101 Australia is a free e-learning module that introduces all Australian health professionals to rare disease, and how they can best care for individuals and their families.
It aligns with the National Recommendations for Rare Disease Health Care and covers:
- Common challenges
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Respectful and effective communication
- The ‘diagnostic odyssey’
- Genetic and genomic testing
- Coordinated care
- Patient advocacy groups
- Research and new therapies
To register, create an account and proceed to enrol on RD101 Australia. Then click the course link on the home page to enrol.
The module is an RACGP CPD approved activity for 2.5 Educational Activities hours and 2 Reviewing Performance hours.
This was adapted from M4RD’s Rare Disease 101 module as part of the Rare Disease Awareness, Education, Support and Training (RArEST) Project,
funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.